Thursday, November 01, 2007

A new era?

So it's about time. Westboro Baptist LOST a court case and was fined $10.9 million dollars for one of their protests. Is it enough to shut them down? Will they appeal? Here's info from Queerty where I heard it today.

Despite being in throes of a multi-million dollar guilty verdict for picketing a dead soldier’s funeral (they were found guilty yesterday), about ten Westboro Baptist Church members spread their hate at the Matthew Shepard Awards in Los Angeles Saturday. Those zealots sure are tenacious!
According to one eye witness account, no one really gave a shit about the tacky picketing: “No one paid much attention other than a few homeless people”.
Meanwhile, Fred Phelps and his spawn Shirley plan to appeal yesterday’s ruling,, which left them with a $10.9 million bill. In this horror of a pdf press release, they write,
Not only did you fail to stop our preaching, but our message has gone forth to the entire world on this very day, because of your folly, like never before! Thank God for the $10.9 million verdict.

Interesting that the Phelps clan is thankful for the ruling - and for the publicity. Sick.


Paul said...

in another article, I read that the Phelps clan spent upwards of 250,000 a year in traveling alone, in order to picket. I wonder where they get their money from? That said, they'll probably somehow receive more funds and manage to keep pissing everyone off.

Anonymous said...

Still, $10.9 million is a lot of money.

Anonymous said...

they shouldn't even use God's name in vain like they do, this is a hateful women, worried about some gay man that don't want her to father another kid, It's real sad when someone doesn't have anything in their life but hatred! Go out and get a real job like the rest of this, and you would understand!

Anonymous said...

Dear God that Phelps family is twisted...amazing. Maybe Fred just needs a hug or something :) I saw a picture of them picketing with kids that couldn't be more than five years old. Doesn't that qualify as SOME kind of neglect?

Anonymous said...

to me, those people just need to die by now. and yeah, wtf is up with those little 5 year olds wearing 'god hates fags' shirts and stuff!? now, there is no turning back! those children are screwd up! i just makes me so mad....

Anonymous said...

I adore this site.
Its amazing,and totally correct.
I told my mom about Matthew.And she told me."The worlds sick."And I'm all"Well they know that,but I'm assuming they just want to make things worse.They should just go make their own country,same with them skinheads." My my my,why must they waste their times shoving their religion down our throats?Do we honestly care what they have to say?No so we ignore then and they get upset and decide "Hey!We hate gays,Lets plan to kill one!!Okay!" Heh..And gosh Fred Phelps..Scares Me.Its so funny how much I intent on trying to understand that mans mind.And I only just turned 13.Hmm I wanted to cure autism,But I wasn't aware more sicker shit was going on.

Anonymous said...

Their brand of homophobia & sickening irreverence for the dead cannot be allowed to exist.

They ooze an evil, an evil that finds no foundation or corroboration in the supreme benevolence, which Christ beseeched his followers to adopt.

The police should be able to stop it. That so called church shouldn't even exist let alone serve as a platform for such verbal malignancy.

Bless the soul of Matthew Sheperd.

Erin Megna said...

As a soldier, I think it's sick and sad the way these people think and live.... However, it is that very right that we as soldiers protect, isn't it? Kind of ironic, really, that they would sit and protest at a dead soldiers funeral when he/she died, in essence, to defend their freedom of speech. *shakes head* Hate breeds hate. These people are best dealt with through indifference. Ignore them unless life is truly in danger. That's how I see it.

Anonymous said...

WBC is going to picket at Heath Ledger's death. This makes me angry and sad. :(

Anonymous said...

Hello, im from Devon in England, UK. I cant believe that there is a organisation like the "WBC" - its awful. What gives them the right to say things like God wanted the 9/11 attacks, and that God does not like gay people.
And to picket an actors funeral because he played a gay actor in a film - what an awful thing todo. Im not a religious person, but family and friends are. But i think what the WBC do is a disgrace.

Anonymous said...

I was Keiths pator in Australia, He loved the Lord, and he is in heaven.

Anonymous said...

This is very simple really, these WBC people need to be put out of action, the sick comments after the death of actor Heath Ledger were a step too far this time ......



( London,UK)

Anonymous said...

"... our message has gone forth to the entire world on this very day"

... It's really sad that there's nothing anyone can say or do to them, that will make them even close to sane. They are so wrapped up in their own little universe... they're just lost. I'm not religious at all, but if there is a heaven and they are planning to go there... I'd rather go anywhere else.

Anonymous said...

I have just read in the news what WBC have said about Heath Ledger!, I have a massive soft spot for this man (being a West Aussie also) and I am literally sick in the stomach to think that there is such a bunch of sick individuals out there that would even contemplate picketing a funeral/memorial. What they preach is NOT gods word, and I hope that they get the treatment they deserve when their time comes, and it can't come soon enough for my liking....


Anonymous said...

Look where that a fanaticism can to bring. There are a différence betwen fanatiscism et religion. How can we talking about love when we proving a violence because another people different by we ? The first commandement of Jesus : loving we once another. Do you remenber that ? Yahvé create a man at his image et ressemblance. Forgiven them, because they don't know that they doing!!
Boris raëlien

Anonymous said...

God loves everybody. God bless you all.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a christian and I don't know whether I should believe in God or not... but if I do, I would like to see God the way Jesus said he was: loving and forgiving.
So please, those of you who studied the bible thoroughly, tell me: Does God love all his children? Or would he tolerate the kind of behaviour the Phelps Family is showing? Is it okay to call people sluts and whores and worse things? In the name of God?

IF God exists and if heaven and hell exist, are really all of us going to burn in hell, or are the WBC members condemmed to do so for all their hatred and unchristian attitude towards their neighbous?

Please give me a tiny piece of hope here so that I don't have to say: "Okay, if THAT is God and if God hates us all so much, then let him go to hell!"

~ Sandra

Anonymous said...

Its such a cult... theyre using to cover of god(although i'm not a huge believer) as an excuse. Phelps is the cult leader, and with the rest we can only hope that they commit some sort of mass suicide and or drown in some 'unfortunate' boating accident... or mass explosion-either way. What really set me off was when 1) they picketed when Heath died ... and 2) they wrote an open letter to his folks... if I was at his funeral and they showed up- I would kill every last one of them... or just seriously hurt them to the point where theyll never picket again. They make me so sick. Oh and now that I've finished my rant everyone better sign this petition. A woman named Elizabeth started it to shut down theyre website, and it's doing ok...

Anonymous said...

First of all I don't hate anyone I may dislike or not agree with people and situations but I try to love all. I don't go to church by choice but that doesn't mean I don't believe in God and I have many gay friends with whom I love dearly. I wanted to add something that I really haven't seen anyone else touch on. This WestBoro Baptist Church, is pretty insane. I could tolerate what they have to say if any of it was validated. I would never agree but I accept everyone has their own right to believe in whatever they think is right. To say that our Country as well as Ireland, Canada, Sweden and basically anyone who isn't part of their "church" or family is doomed sounds very close minded to me. We all know picketing funerals is probably one of the most heinous disgusting displays of attention seeking ever done. I won't get into all that because we all pretty well feel the same disgust. I am just curous at why they live in a country that they belive God hates. They reap all of the benefits of living in this Country, they abuse all of the freedoms this Country offers and they spit on the American Flag, that is pretty hypocritical! They argue about being sued, but have sued many in return. They picket funerals all on the basis that we are tolerant of Gays. I would like to say to them no Phelps group we are tolerant of you and everyone else loves not hates. The bible is not all fire and brimstone, yes what they quote is from the bible but they use those to their advantage and never have I heard them speak of love. Their are many wonderful stories in the bible, now I don't read the bible it was read to me when I was younger and I don't attend church but I love my god in my own way and I love this country for letting me. One more thing I wonder if and when Fred Phelps dies, or any of his family members pass away, how they would feel if we picketed their loved ones funeral. Would they care?, would they be hurt deep inside because the moment their trying to grieve, their privacy is invaded and they see signs telling them Thank God Their loved one is dead! I really want to know their opinion on that. Anyway I could go all day about this subject. I hope one day these people can break away from their hatred of everyone, everything and probably themselves. Peace and Love To Everyone Out There!

Anonymous said...

those wbc people are nuts. If God is really on their side, i hope the devil comes to save us all. the way that they're brainwashing those kids to a culture of hate should be considered child abuse. They are raising sociopathic hate machines. What happened to love, tolerance and acceptance? The attitude that they are carrying around under Jesus' name is the same attitude that nailed Him to the cross. My love goes out to all the people they've targetted. We all know how we'll face our Maker when the time comes, i'm pretty sure they'll be claiming that He's an impostor when he denies them audience.

Unknown said...

Someone asked where their money comes from, well...

When WBC came to picket my church we were told not to engage them because that would cause more harm than good. We were told that WBC gets their money from lawsuits they file against anyone who touches/hits them. They sue for big time money and since many of them have law degrees, they don't have to pay for the lawyers. So if you are wondering where some of their money comes from, lawsuits they win/settlements they receive may be part of it.

Anonymous said...

The WBC does not seem to realize that there is no need for religion in this world. Everyone thinks that they have it right, every religion claims that it spreads the true message. With all these messages flying around, which one is right? None of them. We live in an age where every religious ideology has interbred with the other and we are just learning and spreading convoluted messages. When are people going to learn that we can not know what our future is? We cannot begin to grasp the mysteries surrounding life, death and divinity. It is up to each individual human being to choose his or her path in this world. Some choose to be gay, so choose to be straight, some choose to picket innocent people. In the end, we will have to die and then we will see the consequences of our actions. If there is a God we will have to answer to him and atone for our transgressions. If there is no God, we will die. If one of the other religions has it right, then we are all sinners according to them anyway. So really, our actions are futile no matter how we look at it. So live your lives. Be gay if you want to be. Be straight, be religious. But please, do not say you are right about religion. No one has that right. Because no one knows God so well that they can know what is in his mind. The WBC can say what the will about gays and those who support them or are indifferent. I for one am indifferent. I do not care what you do in your bedroom or in bars or wherever. I am a pothead, that is a choice I have to make. I am an unmarried expectant father, thats is my choice to make. I smoke cigars and drink hard liquor straight from the bottle. I will have to answer for that. That is my choice. I think what I am getting at is that people cannot tell you who or what to be. Disregard the WBC and their fanatical rants. They will have to answer one day too. Live free, and live proud, because the only one who can make you what you are is you. Thank you for reading my comment. If you would like to discuss my views at length please email me at
I Check this email regularly and will answer any mail sent with an open mind and unbiased opinion.

Tristan Krahn
Lethbridge Canada

Anonymous said...

I don't claim to know what God wants, but I'd bet 10.9 million bucks that the Phelps psychos are all going to Hell and that God hates them!

Anonymous said...

March 30 - Million Fag March at Fred Phelps' Church (Westboro Baptist)

Anonymous said...

i don't really know much about blogspot so this is my sole means of contact but THANK GOD FOR YOU GUYS. i'm a young straight female and i had heard of "" and when i visited their site... i honestly didn't know people ACTUALLY gasped until that moment because i GASPED. signs that said, "thank god for AIDS"!! THATS TERRIBLE. i thought god was all forgiving and loving. :( anyway. thank you guys a lot for putting this up <3

Anonymous said...

Keep reading and don't let my first comments piss you off too much.
I don't agree with homosexuality. I was raised as a Missouri Synod Lutheran, and i'm proud to be so. I view the Bible as infallible, and so there are no shortcuts to homosexuality. Also, there's the 'ick' factor I personally can't get over.
That being said, disagreeing with it does not mean hatred. Far from it. My mother often said to hate the sin, but love the sinner. I know many from the gay community already hate me or are pissed, but keep reading. The Phelps clan are horrible people. Even if i don't agree with the message of this blog, im glad that people are realizing how evil they are. Keep it up, guys.

Anonymous said...

These guys were going to show up at a funeral I attended to protest a young boy named Rudy's death. I'm so glad they didn't, otherwise I'd probably be sitting in court right now, being sued for 10 million dollars. @@

Anonymous said...

Christians are intolerant- is this news to anyone? Bible thumpers have been slinging hate since long before Westboro! I believe, oh... The old testament?

Anonymous said...

Any recent news on this? I've just stumbled across the whole topic recently and am hoping most of what I'm seeing from the WBC is outdated and we won't be hearing much of their faith-rape rhetoric from here on out. :-/

Anonymous said...

I'm so grateful for whoever created this blog, even if pink is not my favorite color. It makes me smile that there are sites like this. I hear so many horror stories about gays or lesbians that are beaten up or killed over their sexual orientation, I'm glad the people I know are okay with me being lesbian. May this site bring us one more step closer to spreading tolerence world wide.

Anonymous said...

The WBC are absolutely ridiculous, run by a madman who is using his insane preachings as an outlet for what is probably his own personal demons, and brainwashing his family and his church - sorry, his cult - into preaching the same. If you actually watch an interview with any one of them talking about the bible, nothing they say makes an atom of sense. I'm not religious at all, but I'm familiar with the bible from attending a religious school when I was younger, and the WBC seem to ignore most of the bible and select the bits which serve their disgusting, insane messages. I think if every state banned the picketing at funerals, and stopped giving the WBC airtime on the radio or TV, and effectively ignored them there would not be much more they could do, as I think their deranged behaviour is attention seeking and they crave to be infamous in any way possible. A hidden camera interview with Fred Phelp's grandchildren revealed them to say, they wouldn't care if their picketing and their violent protesting/behaviour was NOT actually the word of their 'God', they would do it anyway. These children have been brought up with a 'bloodlust' to hate the rest of society as much as possibly. They're all deranged, brainwashed idiots and their behaviour would be funny if it wasn't so sad and they didn't inflict their ridiculous views on people who are suffering at a funeral of their child ie.the soldiers buried from the Iraq war.

I'm not gay but I completely love this website, I'm glad everyone is united in their views.

Heather said...

My name is heather, and I completely agree with your stances. I wanted to continue the information and help people know that God loves all people, he hates sin, but not people at all.

I wanted to continue the website and update it, so I was wondering if you'd be willing to let me have this domain? or possibly take over the site you have going here?

Let me know what you think, so we can continue to share God's love.



Anonymous said...

Fred Phelps is so obviously secretly gay.

Anonymous said...

Take off your pink eyeglasses. No matter how much of an overkill WBC is (and it is), they basic things they say are right, at least, as long as you claim to be Christian, and embrace the Sola Scriptura.


* God does not really love everyone -- there are one(s) He doesn't.

* God did give people free will and choice (Deut. 30:19), but the extent of exercise of this free will is explicitly demonstrated to be limited.

* God's attributes include not only love and mercy and tolerance, but also justice, wrath, and punishment of the wicked and unrepent sinners.

* Ultimately, the salvation of man is a deed of God. The required (but not a sufficient) condition for Salvation is man's belief, yet, not everyone who believes ultimately gets saved.

* God, though wishing not death, but repentance, of a sinner, may choose to punish said sinner without waiting for his or her death from natural causes, up to physical destruction/slaughter and sending to Hell. People claiming to be Christians and who think that only the Hebrew G-d of the Old Testament used to do that, are welcome to read Acts 5:1-11 and find otherwise.

* God's Law, as recorded in the Old Testament, did not disappear all at once and will never disappear.

* Certain sins not repent by the sinner, do not allow him or her to enter the Kingdom of God. In particular, especially bad sins are those that the Law enabled death penalty for. Namely, those are
- Murder of the innocent blood (this does includes abortions)
- Abuse of gift of sexuality through:
+ man-to-man anal copulation
+ bestiality
+ rape
+ incest
+ adultery
These are said to also "defile the land" and all of its dwellers, who enable and indulge these practices.
- Avodah Zarah, strange worship, idolatry, deviation from from what is proclaimed in the Shma: There is One God, to whom is all the worship and glory. Avodah zarah includes all sorts of magic, occult practices, etc.

* Indulgence and acquittal of active and unrepent practitioners one (or more) of these sins is wrong and, should one of these practices become "ok", others should, too.

* Loving thy neighbor includes rebuking him or her and not suffering the sin upon him or her (Lev. 19:17). That is not the same as judging your neighbor, spreading lies about your neighbor, or publicly proclaiming assumptions and not facts about your neighbor (everyone here knows what I mean).

* Following the commandment of Lev. 19:17 is usually treated in quite a predictable (and negative) way for its follower. As far as the Bible goes, all sorts of negative response are possible, up to physical violence against prophets and early Christians. The Bible warns that persecutions of righteous rebukers carry negative consequences for these persecutors and benefits in the Eternity for the persecuted. The persecutions of the righteous from "the world" in some form are said to be inevitable and serve as a criteria for doing the right thing.

* In times before the End of the World, the number of misleaders and false teachings and prophets is predicted to greatly increase.

It should also be mentioned that most people known as prophets and saints today were regarded as "crazy" at best when and where they lived and preached. This is said to be so in the Bible, too (no prophet in his land).

So, people claiming themselves to be Christians, are better off always critically asking themselves "Am I right with God" and paying more attention to voices crying out loud in the desert, instead of unhesitantly stamping them "idiots", "haters", "morons", "narrow-minded zealots" or "devils", and embracing some syncretic pink-eyeglass cult so popular these days, which states, among others, that:

- God unconditionally, absolutely and unregretfully loves ALL of His creation, ERGO, all of His Angels, all humans, ERGO, all sorts of fallen angels (demons) and all sorts of sinners.
- All people are more good than bad
- There is no sin bad enough to ultimately interfere human's atonement (or better off, at-ONE-ment, reunification) with God.

The last one clearly roots in Dharmic religions of the East, like those originated among cow and elephant venerating hemp abusers in the Indian subcontinent. In particular, Dharmic religions state that people that are not sinless enough, simply keep re-incarnating in a circle of Karma, until they reach nirvana and reunite with the universe/creator/cosmos. Trough building parallels between Karma and the Divine Justice, and Nirvana and blissful existence of the Saved righteous in the Kingdom of God, the new hinduism-enhanced Christian sects are born.

As far as "abstract reasoning" in the sort of direction known as "objective idealism" among the philosophers is concerned (that is assumption of, or, belief in, the universe, cognible and independent of man, said universe being created by a supernatural force), the puritan Christian, Judaism, Hinduism as well as the syncretic- megareligion-lots-of-people-follow pictures of the world ALL have equal rights for existence, and none is any better off than any other. There is simply no logical way to know which one is a better representation of the reality.

HOWEVER, BE NOT DECEIVED: The picture of the world where it is kind of ok (with no inevitable punishment) to be actively gay, ok to fornicate, ok to divorce and re-marry IS NOT a Christian picture. For good or for bad, it is something different. So, for God's SAKE, give this picture a name, AND STOP CALLING IT CHRISTIAN.

Anonymous said...

I hope all you impenitent proud Godhaters die right early in a painful death. Amen.

Shonda Little said...

The two kids who left the family cult claim Daddy Fred molested them. They are boys.
I found your website because I was actually thinking of buying this domain name. I'm glad at least someone is getting out the good word.

Anonymous said...

We really need some type of constitutional ammendment. I'm all about the right to protest, but where do we draw the line... interfering with a fallen soldiers funeral is interfering with thier familiy's right to grieve!! AND THAT IS WRONG!!! I'm glad they have to pay $10m but they need to be locked up as well... and thier poor children are already screwed up....

Anonymous said...

Fred's just being butthurt and trying to save face by 'thanking God.' Really, he's crushed inside.

Anonymous said...

Have heard of this group going to Union County TN to protest at a funeral for these 4 cheerleaders that died in a car crash? Its all over the news here in TN. It also on their lame website too. Plus, IF they hate America so much, why do they still live here?

Anonymous said...

Love knows no gender , This statement is so true
I am disgusted by the WBC's actions and conduct
nothing gives any human the right or power to do this , I am from a baptist church in canada (Yes Im in Canada) I decided to visit the WBC's main website given to me by a friend ...Sigh i was not happy at all , Yea religion is freely given but this is a mockery of even a normal church , The baptist church i come from accepts all genders and couples of any kind and will happily marry them , LOVE KNOWS NO GENDER , ........Im not even sure if there is a way of even contacting them or sending them feedback ( Sorry about the bad editing but i was in a hurry!)

Just a little input from a fellow Gay :)

Anonymous said...

Let's look at it from the godhatesfags perspective for a second, but in the opposite way. AIDS kills "fags", it's a true statement. But why does God use AIDS to kill "fags"? Because he doesn't want them to feel the pain of discrimination any more. godhatesfags seems to think that we should be troubled by the fact that "fags" are being killed. By their logic, however, death should be the ultimate liberation. And by their logic, soldiers are not dying because they're defending a country that has "fags", but they are dying because they are defending a country that has so much discrimination. God is love and he doesn't like discrimination. So he kills "fags" to free them from their torment and kills soldiers because of the terrible prejudices that still exist in this country, despite the large Christian population.

Kent Rosenthal said...

why do you guys keep paying attention to these gay hating freaks? they don't just hate gays....they hate everyone and thrive on any attention....Your website and comments about what they think and do is merely feeding their sadistic warped sense of god.....Just ignore them....they will hate you for that even more!!

Sean said...

It breaks my heart that they've misinterpreted religious texts to the point of bearing a Nazi-like doctrine regarding Homosexuals.

I have a dedicated relationship with a transgendered girlfriend, and it upsets me to think that some day I may have to deal with this level of discrimination.

Heartbreaking, at best.


Anonymous said...

If you ask me the WBC work for Satan, let face it they are making people dislike and turn away from God because of all the hate, after all it is said that Satan's biggest achievement is making us all believe he does not exist.

As far as I am aware the son of God, Jesus never uttered a word of hate or intolerance toward or about gay people, it is men that wrote the hateful words into the book that is used to bully us.

God loves us all, he created this beautiful planet filled with wonders, there is no hate there that we haven't put there ourselves.

Anonymous said...

I dont understand how someone can protest against the way people live. Its their own choice who they love. They never did anything to you. They are just like a normal person. You may think its wrong but its their own life. Imagine if one of your kids was gay, wtf would you do to them... You nwould make their life a living hell. I would be embarressed if i were any of you.
Thats bull shit. And im really pissed of that your coming to my school and telling us were sluts.
Not sure why you would leave your own state and tell moore okalhoma WE're SLUTS. where did you hear that. The only reason you protest cuz you know someones going to try to beat your ass and you gett money. Im sorry for how you were taught as a child. your all brainwashed mother fuckers.
Just to let you know you guys are going probably get hurt.
and you call yourself christain! WTF!
I dont care if you have a permit.
noones going to listen to you.
And i cant believe you guys went to funerals and said thank god for dead soldiers. They are caring people that fight for your lifes, they never did anything you "Christians". I dont know who taught you all to be this hatefull to people that dont even bother you. And btw get out of this country if you hate it so damn much. and you say were all going to hell.. HA! that would be you.

Anonymous said...

They're absolutely insane. I think the praise for a 10.9 billion dollar suit is just because they're stubborn and can't admit their failure.

Yay justice. =D

Anonymous said...

You're all going to hell. e-mail me at if you are brave enough that is!

Anonymous said...

I abhor and detest the disgusting and utterly antichrist perversion spewing from Fred Phelp's hateful mouth.

However, there is a point to be made here. Even if we disagree with what they believe in, ardent faith is strong.

You can't kill faith with a lawsuit. You can't kill faith with counter protests, you can't kill faith with ridicule.

The only way a person can change is from within.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that they are so concerned and paranoid about the evil they feel is around them, as they turn a blind eye to the evil that is whitering away at thier own souls?

No true evil can come of love.
Only true evil comes from hatred.

If they start toting "he who is witout sin, cast the first stone" i'd make it a point to get out of the encroaching avalanche headed thier way...

If they ever trully felt the light of the Creator (whomever or whatever that may be) then they would understand that it is love that bonds us to It- the common thread amoung all things.

May they some day come to realise it is thier own self hatred and fear they are projecting, or at least spare us and let them be consumed by it, or the fires of hell, or some white nikes and tainted punch- a suicide pact, something.

I mean, didn't they almost burn down or something?
I'll tell you what the real sin is, doing anything half ass.

zamhero said...

nice blog :)

Synonymous said...

I hope this does actually bankrupt them, in fact I hope they default on the payment of this fine and end up in prison being scissored and sodomised.

Anonymous said...

Why do you complain about WBC's protests at funerals? Is it because their protest is disruptive to you? Don't you realize the sight of fags displaying affection nauseates most people? Sodom and Gomorrah were filled with people who accepted fags and faggotry, and what was the result? Were they all "loving" and "tolerant"? On the contrary, giving in fully to their despicable and rebellious urges eventually destroyed their ability to exercise even the most basic control over themselves. The very sight of attractive young men (the angels delivering the warning of S&G's imminent destruction) drove them to try battering down Lot's door to get at them. As for those who are 'tolerant' of this psycho-sexual disease of faggotry, witness the fate of Lot's wife, who loved the people of S&G to such an extent that she had picked up their ways and was herself unable to exercise control over her urges. Unable to keep from looking back at the roaring, thundering, flaming maelstrom that represents 'tolerance' taken to ridiculous extremes, she was destroyed. Tolerance is a virtue provided that it is watched over by wisdom. Is it wise to "tolerate" a violent, mentally ill killer or someone infected with a virulently contagious disease? No, and neither is it wise to 'tolerate' the twisted, diseased animals who indulge in, promote and seek to spread the practice of one of the worst (if not the worst) of human vices. There is no beneficial side to faggotry, and it is not subject to the argument of usage, as are firearms, which can be employed for murder or for self-defense. Each and every voluntary commission or acceptance of faggotry is a crime. Worse, this crime is not solely on the heads of its perpetrators. Because of its unmitigated evil, faggotry is a crime which darkens all those among whom it is practiced openly for it is the obligation of decent people to inform and warn them from the evil they do. Failing that, it is then upon the society that becomes aware of active faggotry to drive out those who persistently and willingly engage in it, and if they refuse to be banished from society, to destroy the rebellious, corrupted beasts. Why? What harm does the practice of faggotry do to society? Materially, there is the threat against children, particularly young boys, for fags, without exception, are opportunistic. Beside that, it is known that fags much prefer 'straight' people to violate rather than each other, and who is 'straighter' than a little boy who knows nothing of sexuality, let alone the crookedness of faggotry, and who is incapable of describing the evils committed upon him? The greatest of the faggots' threat to society lies in the spiritual ruin that their 'lifestyle' brings upon the people. Little is known of the greatest and most observable forces such as gravity - how much less do we know of matters of energy generated by human minds and those minds which are not so obvious and not at all human? What sort of 'energy' gathers among people engaged in worship of the Creator of all that exists and among those who obey the Creator's call to humanity that we discipline our lower, animal selves in order to uplift and strengthen our higher, spiritual selves? If we presume a positive energy is associated with these gatherings, what sort of energy gathers among those who give full rein to the lowest of urges, below - indeed, even beyond the ability of - those of animals? How does this negative energy manifest itself once 'introduced' to a community by the worst and foulest of its members? By this description it becomes easier to understand why faggotry brings darkness and befoulment upon the very land upon which there is "tolerance" for it, and the destruction that is inevitable upon every place that suffers fags to commit their faggotries.

Anonymous said...

Why does their have to be so much hate? What ever happened to "love thy neighbor"??